Day 1: So I got my door, or whatever that hulk of wood is. I then had to come up with something to draw on it. I consulted with a very wise woman, yes mom thats you, who jokingly said draw an avatar! as funny as that was it got me thinking and I quickly came up with the vision of an Indian in some woods. Instead of showing a warrior or a hunter, my idea was to portray this man in harmony with nature, playing a peace flute and with his hand resting on a tree. I did some research, and I decided to draw a portrait of an american Indian from Virginia, familiar with the blue ridge mountains and the Chesapeake bay. The clothing, hair decor, tall background trees, and flute are representative of that.
Here is the door, weighing in at about 200 lbs.
me working on the outline. living it up in the ol suspenders!
I took sandpaper to certain parts to show highlights, it worked fabulously.
Day 2: The feet were very hard, but the hands were harder. it was very windy that day and so the acrylic, which is already a quick drying medium, dried instantly. Luckily its a water based paint so with a wet cloth it came right off. Its good and bad, cus you cant do much layering if you keep having to wipe it all away.
Day 3: Finished product.
Head detail. The wood finish or veneer was super glossy, so there was a horrible glare the whole time. Made the tiny details a pain to do.
Wow Jazz, I LOVE this! It's beautiful and warms my heart!